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PADI 5 Star Dive Centre

Divemaster Course

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The PADI Divemaster Course is the first step into Professional diving developing the candidate's diving knowledge to almost Instructor level through independent study and classroom discussions, it also addresses attitudes, judgment, customer service, business operations of a dive centre and the operational challenges that come with that. Watermanship and stamina are evaluated together with diving skills, which will be developed to demonstration quality. Candidates will complete a rescue evaluation and underwater mapping project as well as demonstrating their skills in dive planning and leadership. They will also function as an instructional assistant, both in confined and open water on all levels of the varied courses and also guided fun diving. Completion of this course qualifies the candidate to attend either a PADI Assistant Instructor (AI) course or a PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) which eventually leads to the certification as a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor. 


3 month Internships offered for free :) 


Price: €650   
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